The Digital Divide For 5G technology

The Digital Divide For 5G technology

Millimetre wave is a key technology that makes our new 5G cell phone networks even more transformative. But advocates against this technology claim that this radio frequency radiation can cause long-term health effects. On VOCM’s Morning Show we discuss the implications of this technology and what it means for Canadians. …..

What Is Cryptojacking and How to Avoid This Coin-Mining Malware

What Is Cryptojacking and How to Avoid This Coin-Mining Malware

Your computer or mobile device might be helping criminals crank out thousands of dollars in online currency, and you wouldn’t even know it. A new hacking tool known as cryptojacking is on the rise, and it threatens to secretly use your computer or mobile device to generate online money for …..

You’re Stuck With Batteries—But New Tech Will Make Them Last Longer

You’re Stuck With Batteries—But New Tech Will Make Them Last Longer

What’s the biggest complaint people have about their smartphone? Battery life. For some it is even worse: a battery that slows down their phone. You can blame our increased use of these gadgets or you can blame the lithium-ion batteries themselves, neither of which will see a change anytime soon. …..

Are Phone Calls A Thing Of The Past?

Are Phone Calls A Thing Of The Past?

For decades, the best and often only way to reach someone out of earshot was to call them on the phone. Since then, the internet has brought chat, FaceTime, Instagram, Snapchat stories and a host of other ways to keep in touch that made phone calls seem wildly inefficient. For …..

Unique Relationship Between Rituals And Technology

Unique Relationship Between Rituals And Technology

Rituals are arguably a universal feature of human social existence: just as one cannot envision a society without language, one would be equally hard-pressed to imagine a society without rituals. From morning grooming routines like brushing your teeth and getting a shower to the ways in which we greet and …..

Is Screen Time Bad for Children’s Mental Health?

Is Screen Time Bad for Children’s Mental Health?

Many parents are concerned about how much time their children spend on cell phones, gaming consoles and other digital media. Some experts say they should be concerned as there tends to be a growing body of research showing an association between unhappiness and the time adolescents spend on digital media. …..

How Europe’s New Tough Data Collection Laws Affect Canadians

How Europe’s New Tough Data Collection Laws Affect Canadians

In the last few weeks, you may have found yourself inundated with emails from many of the apps and online services you use. They’ve been informing you of new terms and conditions, and asking you to “opt in” to continue using their service. Back on May 25th, the General Data …..

Screen Snooping: How to Safeguard Your Data From Shoulder-Surfers

Screen Snooping: How to Safeguard Your Data From Shoulder-Surfers

If you don’t have enough to worry about; from criminals trolling for your passwords or social media borrowing your personal data, you can now rest assured that on top of that, basically everyone is curious about what you’re doing on your smartphone. And most people have absolutely no problem glancing …..

Online Translation Privacy Risks

Online Translation Privacy Risks

Say you need a quick document translation. You choose an online tool like or Google Translate, pick the language you want, copy your text, drop the text in, and presto! In moments you can read a version in your desired tongue. Great, right? Not if your translating personal, private, …..

Is Your Smart Device Eavesdropping On You?

Is Your Smart Device Eavesdropping On You?

You’re scrolling through your social media feed or cruising your favorite website when there it is — staring back at you, an advertisement for that obscure item you just casually mentioned in conversation with a friend. You didn’t Google search it, or even write about it in a text. While …..

Cellphones and Cancer: What Largest Study Ever Reveals

Cellphones and Cancer: What Largest Study Ever Reveals

If you’re like the vast majority of people these days, your cell phone is not just your friend − it’s more like an appendage. But then your smartphone has so much to offer. Besides using it for calling and texting, you can surf the Internet, use it as a personal …..


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